Saturday, January 17, 2015

Introduction to Redux

Over the last 9 years, the world as I once knew it has taken a nosedive into a void in which I no longer understand it. Music, TV, Gaming and other things that Ive enjoyed have been either dumbed down into making any sense at all or have been turned into money vacuums by Corporate America. I can do nothing but watch as people mindlessly adopt these new age customs and accept it like its the norm. Social Media has sadly become too small and blinded to voice my opinions thus the reason I decided to start this blog. But before I really begin to tear into the backbone of the mainstream, let me introduce myself so I wont become a faceless internet entity.

My name is Steve Murray, but my friends over the years have given me the nickname of MasterSteve. It was a name given to me by a friend which meant I was the Master of my Household even though in the last 2 years, it has evolved into something completely different. Ive endured many hardships in my life that would normally killed a normal person's spirit. The only thing that has kept myself going is my knowledge of pop culture. I love just having long conversations about what im into.

Me and a friend were originally to start the B.A.L. movement way back in 2012 as we were equally tired of the crap being forced in our faces everyday, But over the years he began focusing on his two kids and we havent talked in awhile. Real Life goes above everything I guess but he was the originator of the name and for that, I am grateful. As me, I ran into a few snags as well so the project was delayed.

This will begin as a typed blog at first but when I get the right equipment, YouTube will be a factor.
I might go every week with this shit, maybe bi-weekly, maybe monthly or maybe when I have something to say. Who knows? With that being said, join me as I ramble on what's real and what's absolute bullshit.

Welcome to my madness. Welcome to the Redux.


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